Benefits Handbook Links - Updated February 2023
Scheduling Leave If you are unable to report to work because of illness or injury, notify your supervisor as soon as possible prior to taking paid safe and sick leave, but in all instances prior to your normal starting time. Failure to provide such notice may result in disciplinary action. For absences of less than a full day, the use of paid safe and sick leave will be charged in quarter-hour increments, with periods of less than 15 minutes charged to the nearest quarter hour. Documentation If you use paid safe and sick leave for more than three (3) consecutive days, you may be required to submit medical certification substantiating the need for such leave and, upon the conclusion of the leave, confirming that you are well enough to return to work. Venable may not require the disclosure of confidential details relating to your or your family member's medical condition or require the disclosure of details relating to your or your family member's status as a victim of family offenses, sexual offenses, stalking, or human trafficking as a condition of providing paid safe and sick leave. Additionally, health information about you or your family member, and information concerning you or your family member's status or perceived status as a victim of family offenses, sexual offenses, stalking, or human trafficking obtained solely for the purposes of utilizing paid safe and sick leave shall be treated as confidential and shall not be disclosed except by you, with your written permission, or as required by law. If Venable requests such documentation, it will reimburse you for any cost charged by a health care provider or other entity for providing a doctor’s note or other documentation to support the need for leave.
February 2023
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