Benefits Handbook Links - Updated February 2023

depending on the circumstances, be required to reimburse the Firm the amount it paid for your health insurance premium during the leave period. You must provide your supervisor with at least 30 days’ notice when the need for leave is foreseeable. Otherwise, you should provide notice as soon as you are aware of the need for leave. Upon giving notice, you will be provided with the appropriate state-issued leave request form. If you are eligible and approved, the paid leave benefits payments will be administered by UNUM. You may return to the same or comparable job after you take approved leave. Any discrimination or retaliation against you for requesting or taking disability leave is strictly prohibited. Like other social benefits (workers’ compensation, unemployment insurance, and social security), the amount of pay you may receive is dependent upon a variety of factors. The Firm posts the Statement of Rights for New York State Paid Family Leave locally within the New York office. Please contact the New York Office Administrator for the specific posting location.

February 2023


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