Benefits Handbook Links - Updated February 2023
New York Disability Benefit The function of this policy is to provide you with a general description of your rights under the New York Disability benefit. In the event of any conflict between this policy and the applicable law, you will be afforded all rights required by law. New York disability benefit may provide you with 50% of your average weekly wage for the last eight weeks worked to the maximum of $170 per week if you become disabled. Benefits are paid for a maximum of 26 weeks of disability during any 52 consecutive week period. You cannot collect disability benefits and paid family leave benefits at the same time. This benefit is funded by a state employee tax that may be deducted from your pay. If you are not eligible for coverage, you may choose to submit a waiver so that no deductions are made from your pay. While you are on leave, the Firm will continue your health coverage during the leave period at the same level and under the same conditions as if you had continued to work. You will, however, continue to pay your portion of the premiums for coverage, as well as any contributions to the medical flexible spending account, should you wish to keep such coverage in effect. If your payment is more than 30 days late, your health care coverage may be cancelled for the duration of the leave. If the date of your scheduled annual performance review occurs during a period of approved Paid Family leave, the performance evaluation will be completed when you return to work. Venable prohibits employees from engaging in other work as either an employee or an independent contractor while on Paid Family Leave. Should you fail to return to work after the expiration of the leave, you may,
February 2023
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