Benefits Handbook Links - Updated February 2023
Requests for Leave If you plan to take PDL you must provide the Benefits Department with at least 30 days’ advance notice of the date on which it is anticipated that the leave will commence, the estimated duration of the leave, and the date on which you expect to be able to return to work. When an emergency occurs that does not allow you to provide advance notice of the need for PDL, you must notify the Benefits Department of the situation immediately. Requests for Less Strenuous Duties If a physician informs you that it would be medically advisable for you to transfer temporarily to a less strenuous position or less strenuous duties, please provide the Benefits Department with your physician’s written certification. Upon receipt of the certification, the request will be accommodated if the Firm can do so without undue hardship. Medical Certification You will be required to submit a certification from your health care provider of your pregnancy disability or the medical advisability for a transfer or accommodation. The certification should include the following information: (a) The date on which you become disabled due to pregnancy or the date of the medical advisability for the transfer or accommodation;
February 2023
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