Benefits Handbook Links - Updated February 2023
Pregnancy-Related Disability Leave - California
Eligibility If you are temporarily unable to perform your usual and customary duties due to pregnancy, childbirth or a related medical condition, you will be granted an unpaid pregnancy disability leave of absence (“PDL”) for the actual duration of a disability. This leave is granted for up to a maximum of four months per pregnancy on the basis of a physician’s statement stating that you are not able to work due to the pregnancy-related disability. A “four month” leave means time off for the number of days or hours you would normally work within four calendar months (one- third of a year or 17⅓ weeks). For a full time employee who works 40 hours per week, “four months” is 693 hours of leave entitlement, based on 40 hours per week times 17⅓ weeks. This leave runs concurrent with, and is not in addition to, leave taken under the federal Family and Medical Leave Act. Time off needed for prenatal care, severe morning sickness, doctor-ordered bed rest, childbirth, and recovery from childbirth are all covered by PDL. Thus, PDL does not need to be taken in one continuous period of time, but can be taken on an as-needed basis.
February 2023
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