Benefits Handbook Links - Updated February 2023
Return to Work In accordance with applicable law, Venable will require written documentation from your physician clearly stating that you are released to return to work and can safely perform your duties, with or without reasonable accommodation, or what restrictions, if any, you have and when the restrictions will be lifted. PTO and/or Sick Leave You do not accrue PTO and sick leave while you are on an approved consecutive leave of absence. If you use PTO or sick leave while on short-term disability or while awaiting approval for short-term disability benefits, your maximum benefit period will not be extended beyond 26 weeks. You can use any or all accrued but unused PTO or sick leave in lieu of short-term disability benefits, but doing so will not extend the benefit period beyond 26 weeks. You may not use PTO or sick leave to supplement short-term disability benefits. If you use paid leave while awaiting approval for short-term disability benefits after the end of your elimination period, that leave will be credited to you once your short-term disability is approved.
February 2023
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