Benefits Handbook Links - Updated February 2023
Domestic Violence Leave - Chicago
In accordance with the Illinois Victim’s Economic Security and Safety Act (“VESSA”), the Firm provides up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave during each consecutive twelve-month period to an employee who is a victim of or who has a family member who is a victim of a crime of violence, including domestic, sexual or gender violence, assault, harassment and obscene communication, armed violence, and other crimes to address issues arising from a crime of violence. Family members include a party to a civil union, grandparents, grandchildren, siblings, or any other individual whose close association with you is the equivalent of a family relationship as determined by you. The leave may be taken in its entirety, intermittently, or through a reduced work schedule, and may run concurrently with leave under FMLA. You have the option of using any accrued unused PTO. You must provide at least 48 hours advance notice of your intention to take the leave, unless providing such notice is not practicable. To support your request for leave, the Firm may require you to provide a single certification during the same 12-month period leave is requested or taken if the reason for leave is related to the same incident of violence or the same perpetrator of the violence. You may choose the type of documentation to submit.
February 2023
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