Benefits Handbook Links - Updated February 2023
You may request reasonable accommodations in the workplace.
All information you provide to the Firm, including your statement and any other documentation, record, or corroborating evidence, and the fact that you requested or obtained an accommodation under VESSA, will be retained in the strictest confidence except to the extent required by applicable law or if you request or consent to the disclosure in writing. You may take VESSA leave to: 1. Seek medical attention for, or recovery from, physical or psychological injuries caused by a crime of violence to you or your family or household member 2. Obtain victim services for you or your family or household member 3. Obtain psychological or other counseling for you or your family or household member 4. Participate in safety planning, including temporary or permanent relocation or other actions to increase the safety of the victim from future crimes of violence 5. Seek legal assistance to ensure the health and safety of the victim including participation in court proceedings related to the violence. Upon your return from leave, you will be restored to the position held by you when the leave commenced or to a position with equivalent seniority status, employee benefits, pay, and other terms and conditions of employment.
February 2023
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