Benefits Handbook Links - Updated February 2023
California Paid Family Leave
Employees covered by State Disability Insurance (SDI) are also covered by Paid Family Leave insurance. You may be eligible for a portion of the Paid Family Leave (PFL) insurance benefit if you are suffering a loss of wages and meet the other PFL eligibility requirements. PFL does not provide job protection; however, in the case of pregnancy/childbirth, job protection may be available by combining PFL with Pregnancy Disability Leave. PFL is a component of State Disability Insurance and contributions are mandatory under the California Unemployment Insurance Code. If you are absent to care for a family member or to bond with a child during the first year after the birth, adoption, or placement for foster care, you may be eligible for PFL benefits. Like SDI, PFL is also an employee-funded insurance program administered by the State of California Employee Development Department (EDD). There is a seven day waiting period before benefits begin. A woman who begins CFRA leave for baby bonding need not wait seven days for PFL benefits to begin if she had been receiving SDI while on PDL or FMLA.
February 2023
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