Benefits Handbook Links - Updated February 2023
Family Friendly Workplace Ordinance - California
If you have worked at Venable for six months or more, you have the right to request flexible or predictable working arrangements to assist with caregiving responsibilities for: • A child or children for whom you have assumed parental responsibility. • A person or persons with a serious health condition in a family relationship with you. A family relationship means one in which a caregiver is related by blood, legal custody, marriage or domestic partnerships. • A person or persons aged 65 or older in a family relationship with you. Your request must be made in writing and Venable may require you to attest to or verify your caregiving responsibilities prior to agreeing to a flexible or predictable working arrangement. The request should include the date on which you request that the arrangement becomes effective, the duration of the arrangement, and how the request is related to caregiving. You may announce the initial request orally, after which the Firm will, either in
February 2023
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