Benefits Handbook Links - Updated February 2023

3) the care of a family member who has a serious health condition.

In addition, you may request medical leave for your own serious health condition that renders you unable to perform the functions of your job. When medically necessary, medical leave may be taken on an intermittent schedule. Venable may require a medical certification issued by a health care provider supporting the need for leave for the serious health condition of you or your family member. For purposes of this policy, a serious health condition means a physical or mental illness, injury or impairment that involves either inpatient care in a hospital, hospice or residential health care facility or continuing treatment or supervision at home by a health care provider or other competent individual. For purposes of this policy, a family member includes a person to whom you are related by blood, legal custody or marriage; a child who lives with you and for whom you assume and discharge parental responsibility; or a person with whom you share or have shared in the last year a mutual residence and with whom you maintain a committed relationship. Allowances/Length of Leave. Leave under the DC FMLA is limited to 16 work weeks during a 24-month period for family leave and 16 work weeks during a 24-month period for medical leave. In determining the amount of leave to which an eligible employee is entitled, Venable will consider the 24-month period prior to the date on which the requested leave is to commence. If you are eligible for both DC FMLA leave and federal FMLA leave, any leave granted to you will be counted against your leave entitlement under both the DC FMLA and the federal FMLA.

February 2023


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