Benefits Handbook Links - Updated February 2023

leave taken under the UPLA will count towards the employee’s family leave allotment under Venable’s DC FMLA leave policy. Similarly, approved medical leave taken under the UPLA will count towards the employee’s medical leave allotment under Venable’s DC FMLA leave policy. Approved UPLA leave may also count against an employee’s allotted benefits under Venable policies, such as paid parental leave/paid benefits for baby bonding. Eligible DC employees are generally required to apply for UPLA leave and benefits to remain eligible for equivalent benefits under Venable policies. The UPLA provides no additional job protections beyond those already existing under the D.C. FMLA or other applicable law. If you are receiving unemployment benefits, or long-term disability payments, you may not be eligible to receive additional wage replacement benefits under the UPLA. The UPLA also prohibits any agreement by you to waive your rights under this Act. Employees may choose to use any available leave, as appropriate, when OPFL imposes a seven-day waiting period prior to granting UPLA wage replacement benefits.

Unused UPLA leave does not carry over into the next year and is not paid out upon separation of employment.

February 2023


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