Benefits Handbook Links - Updated February 2023

 whether the paid leave benefits being requested will initially be used continuously or intermittently.

Accessing Paid Leave. Employees may submit a claim for UPLA leave and benefits to the OPFL for any period during which they do not perform work because of a qualifying event. Employees may generally not take more than a total of eight (8) workweeks of UPLA leave in a 52-workweek period, regardless of the number of qualifying events that occur during the 52-workweek period, except that an employee may be approved to take up to two workweeks of prenatal leave in addition to eight workweeks of parental leave for a total of 10 workweeks of combined leave in a 52-workweek period. However, you may not receive any combination of prenatal leave and medical leave that exceeds the maximum amount of medical leave, currently 6 workweeks. Benefit Payments. If you are eligible for DC UPLA, you may receive a weekly benefit amount which is based on your weekly wages. The current maximum weekly benefit amount is $1,009. More information is available at Interactions with other leave. If leave taken under the UPLA also qualifies as leave under the federal Family and Medical Leave Act or the D.C. FMLA, or other Venable leave and benefits policies, the leave taken under the UPLA will run concurrently with – and not in addition to – such protected leave. For example, approved parental or family

February 2023


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