Benefits Handbook Links - Updated February 2023
Coverage and Benefits . Under the Universal Paid Leave Act, effective July 1, 2022, eligible employees are entitled to apply to take up to twelve (12) weeks of leave per year for any combination of: Parental leave . Employees may apply to take up to twelve (12) weeks of parental leave, which may be taken within one year following the birth of a child, placement of a child for adoption or foster care, or placement of a child where the eligible individual legally assumes and discharges parental responsibility. Family leave . Employees may apply to take up to twelve (12) weeks of family leave to provide care or companionship to a family member who has a diagnosis or occurrence of a serious health condition. Medical leave. Employees may apply to take up to twelve (12) weeks of medical leave to care for the employee’s own serious health condition, including to recover from a stillbirth or miscarriage. Prenatal leave. Employees may apply to take up to two (2) weeks of prenatal leave for prenatal medical care provided by a healthcare provider, including routine and specialty appointments, exams, and treatments associated with a pregnancy provided by a health care provider, including, but not limited to, pre-natal check- ups, ultrasounds, treatment for pregnancy complications, bedrest that is required or prescribed by a health care provider, and pre-natal physical therapy. NOTE: These leave durations may be increased or decreased in future years, depending on the availability of DC funding for the leave. When the benefits change, this policy will be updated.
February 2023
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