Benefits Handbook Links - Updated February 2023

Universal Paid Leave - Washington, D.C.

The DC Universal Paid Leave Act (“UPLA”) establishes a paid leave system which is funded by employers with regard to individuals employed in the District of Columbia. In accordance with the UPLA, Venable will grant unpaid leave to eligible D.C. employees who have applied for and are approved to take UPLA leave by the D.C. Office of Paid Family Leave (“OPFL”). Venable employees must submit the appropriate paperwork directly to the OPFL, which determines eligibility and administers wage replacement payments. Venable will administer UPLA leave in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Eligibility . An employee is eligible for leave under the UPLA if they have spent more than 50% of their work time working in the DC office during some or all of the 52 calendar weeks immediately preceding the qualifying event for which paid leave is being taken.

February 2023


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