Benefits Handbook Links - Updated February 2023

Professional Development

Professional Development Training : In addition to tuition payments and examination fees, the Firm may also pay the cost of continuing professional education. To qualify, the course/seminar, etc. needs to be related to your position with the Firm, and approval by your supervisor is required. Generally, payment will be made as a reimbursement following completion of the course. Advance payment may be requested if you were asked by your supervisor to take the course. When you attend an approved training program or seminar outside of work, you may be reimbursed for certain expenses incurred to attend the program including examination fees for job-related professional certification designations. Reimbursable expenses for approved outside programs include travel (mileage at the Firm’s current established rate, parking, tolls, train fare, airfare and taxi, Uber or Lyft fare), actual expenditures for meals up to $50 per day when traveling to non-local seminars and the cost of overnight accommodations up to $200 per night, when

February 2023


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