Benefits Handbook Links - Updated February 2023

Crime Victims Leave - California

If you are a victim of stalking, domestic violence, sexual assault, a crime, a serious or violent felony, or public offenses as outlined in Section 13951 of the Government Code, which caused a physical or mental injury, or a threat of physical injury, or if an immediate family member is deceased as the direct result of a crime, regardless of whether any person is arrested for, prosecuted for, or convicted of, committing the crime, you may take unpaid time off to seek medical attention for injuries caused by the crime or abuse, to obtain services from a domestic violence shelter, program, rape crisis center, or victim services organization or agency as a result of the crime or abuse, to obtain psychological counseling or mental health services related to an experience of crime or abuse, to participate in safety planning and take other actions to increase safety from future crimes or abuse, including temporary or permanent relocation, or to attend judicial proceedings related to the crime. The term “crime victim” applies to an employee who is a victim, the immediate family member of a victim, the registered domestic partner of a victim, or the child of a registered domestic partner of a victim.

February 2023


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