Benefits Handbook Links - Updated February 2023
Leave for Victims of Domestic Violence - California
If you are a victim of domestic violence, as defined by Family Code Section 6211, you may take unpaid time off to seek medical attention for injuries caused by abuse, domestic violence or sexual assault, to obtain services from a domestic violence shelter, program or rape crisis center, to obtain psychological counselling or mental health services, to participate in safety planning or other actions as a result of abuse, domestic violence or sexual assault, or to take other actions to increase safety from future abuse, domestic violence or sexual assault. Any discrimination or retaliation against you is prohibited when you are the victim of domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking, and you take time off from work to obtain or attempt to obtain any relief, such as a restraining order. You must give advance notice to your supervisor of your intent to take leave unless it is not feasible. If an unscheduled absence is taken, you must within a reasonable time provide one of the following as certification for the absence: • A police report;
February 2023
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