Benefits Handbook Links - Updated February 2023

S. Conclusion The provisions set forth above are a brief summary of the entitlements and requirements under the FMLA. It is our intention to administer the policy in a manner consistent with the FMLA and the regulations issued by the Secretary of Labor. T. LEAVE FOR DEPLOYMENT OF FAMILY MEMBERS IN THE ARMED FORCES (STATE OF MARYLAND) Employees based in our Maryland offices are eligible for leave for deployment of family members in the armed forces if you have worked for Venable for the last 12 months, whether consecutive or intermittent, and worked at least 1,250 hours during the 12-month period preceding the leave. The leave period is one day of leave on the day that an immediate family member (parent, stepparent, spouse, child or stepchild) is leaving for or returning from active duty outside of the U.S. as a member of the armed forces of the U.S. Employees may not be required to use PTO or sick leave. Venable may require documentation verifying that the leave is taken for this qualifying reason. In addition, an employee in our Maryland offices may be eligible for up to 15 days of leave to serve in an emergency called by the Maryland Wing of the Civil Air Patrol, with the option to use accrued unused paid leave. For more information, contact U. REASONABLE ACCOMODATIONS FOR DISABILITIES DUE TO PREGNANCY (MARYLAND) If employees based in our Maryland offices incur a disability as a result of or contributed to by pregnancy, they have the right to request a reasonable accommodation that may include:

February 2023


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