Benefits Handbook Links - Updated February 2023
As an eligible employee, you can take up to 26 work weeks for the FMLA circumstance (6) above (military caregiver leave) during a single 12-month period. For this military caregiver leave, the Firm will measure the 12-month period as a rolling 12-month period measured forward. FMLA leave already taken for other FMLA circumstances will be deducted from the total of 26 weeks available. If eligible spouses both work for the Firm and each wishes to take leave for the birth of a child, adoption or placement of a child in foster care, or to care for a parent (but not a parent "in-law") with a serious health condition, the spouses may only take a combined total of 12 weeks of leave. If eligible spouse both work for the Firm and each wishes to take leave to care for a covered injured or ill service member, the spouses may only take a combined total of 26 weeks of leave. E. Employee Status and Benefits During Leave While you are on leave, the Firm will continue your health coverage during the leave period at the same level and under the same conditions as if you had continued to work. You will, however, continue to pay your portion of the premiums for coverage, as well as any contributions to the medical flexible spending account, should you wish to keep such coverage in effect. Coverage under Venable’s life and long-term disability policies will be continued in accordance with the provisions set forth in our general Leave of Absence policy. If the payment is more than 30 days late, your health care coverage may be cancelled for the duration of the leave. If the date of your scheduled annual performance review occurs during a period of approved FMLA leave, the performance evaluation will be completed when you return to work. Depending on the circumstances, Venable
February 2023
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