Benefits Handbook Links - Updated February 2023

Lactation Policy

Venable is a breastfeeding-friendly work environment, and this policy details the Firm’s guidelines for promoting that environment and supporting lactating employees’ legal right and necessity to have access to a lactation room. We will provide lactating employees with space that is safe, clean, and free from hazardous materials, to express breast milk, in reasonable proximity to your work area that is shielded from view and free from intrusion from co- workers. The space will have an electrical outlet, a place to sit, a surface for personal items, and nearby access to running water. There will also be a refrigerator in reasonable proximity to your work area. If the space is a multi- purpose room, use of the room for lactation will take priority over other uses. If you would like to take breastfeeding break time, you must, in accordance with applicable law, submit a written request to your supervisor prior to returning to work after childbirth. You will receive a response within five business days, and we will have an interactive discussion with you to determine the appropriate accommodation.

February 2023


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