Benefits Handbook Links - Updated February 2023

Should you fail to return to work after the expiration of leave, you may, depending on the circumstances, be required to reimburse the Firm the amount it paid for your health insurance premium during the leave period. D. Requesting Paid Parental Leave Anyone requesting paid parental leave must complete an application and follow the same process outlined in the Overview of FMLA Process. When need for the leave is foreseeable, you must provide the Firm with at least 30 days' notice. When you become aware of a need for paid parental leave less than 30 days in advance, you must provide notice of the need for the leave either the same day or the next business day. When need for paid parental leave is not foreseeable, you must comply with the Firm’s usual and customary notice and procedural requirements for requesting leave, absent unusual circumstances. E. Holidays during Parental Leave If a Venable observed holiday occurs during the parental leave period, it will be paid at the percentage level below: Up to 26 weeks: • 70% of earnings up to 5 years of service; • 90% of earnings with 5 years or more of service.

February 2023


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