Benefits Handbook Links - Updated February 2023
Parental Leave - Washington, D.C.
Venable will, to the extent required by the District of Columbia Parental Leave Act of 1994 (PLA), provide you with time off from work in order to attend or participate in your children’s school-related events. PLA leave can be unpaid or it can be charged to your available accrued but unused PTO leave. PLA is limited to 24 hours during any 12-month period. Please notify your supervisor of your need for PLA leave at least 10 calendar days prior to the school-related event, unless your need to attend the event could not have been reasonably foreseen. Venable reserves the right to deny a request for PLA leave if granting the leave would interfere with business needs. The PLA defines a “parent” as: (1) a natural mother or father of a child; (2) a person with legal custody of a child; (3) a person who acts as a legal guardian of a child; (4) an aunt, uncle or grandparent of a child; or (5) a person married to or in a domestic partnership with a person listed in (1) through (4). A “school-related event” is defined in the PLA as an activity sponsored by a school or an associated organization, including a student performance, the sporting game or practice of a school team, a meeting with a teacher or
February 2023
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