Benefits Handbook Links - Updated February 2023

Limit the use of shared workstations, to the extent possible Instruct employees on protocols for returning, or remaining home when sick Post signage about sanitization, respiratory etiquette, masks, and handwashing Maintain a stock of PPE Provide individually-wrapped cutlery, creamers, sugars Discourage large gatherings

4. 10. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) are devices like eye protection, face shields, respirators, and gloves that protect the wearer from infection. PPE will be provided, used, and maintained in a sanitary and reliable condition at no cost to the employee. The PPE provided to an employee will be based on their individual hazard assessment for the workplace. PPE Required - Activity Involved Masks are available at Reception desks and Office Services. Gloves are available in all copy rooms and in Office Services. At this time, neither are required in the NY offices.

February 2023


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